Cyberpunk is a science-fiction subgenre that originated in the 1980s, depicting a world in which advanced technology and a corrupt government have left the general population oppressed and miserable. In a cyberpunk world, neon-lit streets, high-tech gadgets, and advanced robotics are commonplace. The tone of the genre is typically dark and gritty, with a focus on the struggles of the underprivileged against a corrupt and powerful establishment.
Key features/characters of Cyberpunk:
- Futuristic cityscapes
- High-tech gadgets and weaponry
- Advanced robotics and AI
- A focus on dystopian themes and societal collapse
- Characters that are usually hackers, outcasts, or rebels
- A tone that is typically dark, gritty, and pessimistic
Simple Examples:
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Wild and Crazy Prompts:
Conclusion: If you’re interested in the cyberpunk genre, you may also want to explore related genres such as post-apocalyptic, dystopian, and sci-fi noir. Other styles that are related to cyberpunk include steampunk, biopunk, and dieselpunk, each offering their own unique takes on futuristic, yet flawed, societies.